Tips for Growing Pains

The thing about growth...

is you never really know where you're gonna grow.

Sometimes growth is easy and feels like slipping into cool, clean sheets after a long, hard day.

Sometimes it feels like your heart is getting ripped out of your chest, or like a solid gut punch, knocking out your breath.

Sometimes it simply feels like coming home.

In any way, you're different after.

That is the point after all, isn't it?

To feel differently.

To live differently.

Notice I didn't say BE different or LOOK different.

Growth is not about CHANGING who you are.

It is about BECOMING who you are.

UNDOING all the years of judgement, bias, self-sabotage, and self-destruction

Unbecoming who you thought you had to be to be who you actually are.

You gotta GO where you GROW.

Even when it hurts. Even when it's hard.

Without growth, things can only stay the same, or worse.

You are the only one who can get yourself out of this space.

You're not stuck, you're uninspired!

Here are some ways to stay inspired and support yourself on your growth journey…

> Get up! Stop hiding behind your fear and the limiting beliefs in your head. They lie. Being motivated isn't enough, you have to stay disciplined.

> Get inspired! Stop forcing shit that doesn't fit and do more of what lights you up. Focus on what inspires and excites you. Inspiration is what keeps you going.

> Get moving! Exercise/Yoga/Walking have this amazing gift of making you focus on what you are doing instead of what you are thinking. Give your brain a break. Move your body.

> Get outside! Nature has a funny way of bringing us back to ourselves. Spend time in nature every day. Gardening counts!

> Get writing! We are so used to swallowing our own story we forget how it goes. Start a journal, it is a safe place to write down your true thoughts and feelings. Better than them ruminating around in your head.

> Get growing! Be open to learning new ways of seeing yourself and the world. Be open to healing past hurts and traumas. Be open to letting go.

The only way out is through...

When you put your growth first,

you're putting yourself and your future first.

Go where you grow friend.

Tell me, which activity stuck with you the most?

How can you start incorporating these activities into your every day?

xo, Josie 

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