Lessons Learned Along the Way

Lessons I've Learned Along the Way

I have probably stopped and restarted this healthy, happy journey over 50 times. And I will do it 100 more.

I get on track and then I get knocked off.

I get discouraged or feel too tired to deal with it all.

I get distracted.

I am human after all.

You're not alone in trying to figure out what healthy and happy means for you.

So I thought I'd share what I've what I've learned on this journey so far...

- It's not about getting your wellness regimen perfect, it's about being present enough to show up for yourself, no matter what.

- It's about trying again or doing something else if it's not working or doesn't feel good.

- It's about learning to listen to your body, and taking action to meet yourself where you are. Not where you want to be.

- Stressing yourself out about every little detail is not the way. Simplify!

- Educate yourself about healthier habits, nutrition, etc. It's free.

- Trying new things. You're not a robot. Do things that feel good, let go of the things that stress you out.

- Build yourself up rather than tear yourself down. I mean 🤷‍♀️

- Being proud of every step and every peaceful choice you make. One step, repeat.

- Taking time to indulge and have fun too. All work and no play leads to a dull life. You deserve to have fun friend.

- A happy, healthy life is about balance. Body, mind and spirit. Living healthy and having fun.

- Each day is an opportunity to choose or do better. Let yesterday go, tomorrow isn't here. Focus on today.

So, if what you're doing isn't working or getting you where you want to go...don't be afraid to start over.

Take action. For even when you're on track, you'll get ran over if you just stand there.


What lessons have you learned on this journey?

warm regards


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