Life Lessons and Alignment

Life Lessons and Alignment | Brighter Manner Natural Wellness

Thank you for continuing to choose to Rise with us.

I thought I would take some time to introduce a little more about myself, my wellness background and the amazing wellness business we have built alongside Brighter Manner!

As you may have read, in 2015, I got very ill and my life completely changed. I was diagnosed with #gastroparesis , which means my stomach is paralyzed and I cannot digest liquids or foods properly.

I share much of my journey online, as well as Migraine awareness.

My life is not easy, but I am still here.

Please RESEARCH this disease. Gastroparesis makes my life completely unreliable. I never know how I am going to feel or what my day will be like.

So, in 2016 I had to quit the best job I ever had. This was a very difficult decision and honestly was the end of my professional career.

You can imagine the dark place this sent me to. I was disappointed and very upset. I was disgusted in myself and felt completely useless.

I was not in a good place. I stayed there for a while, almost 2 years. No longer was I the hard working, go getter, fun loving kind of girl that I once was.

I was miserable and I was making everyone around me miserable too. My light was completely burnt out. And I knew I had to do something about it.

At first, I did not know where to start. It felt overwhelming to think about being positive and actually working towards a goal again. Simply feeling anything was completely overwhelming.

I questioned my sanity once or twice. And felt like going back to my warm, comfortable destructive place three or more times. (It was probably more like 10, but hey who’s counting??)

After years of researching and studying nutrition, digestive health and improving my own health and a whole lot of practice, yoga, meditation and healing, one day it all just clicked.

I realized that my life was mine to manage. I understood that I have power over my mindset, which gives me power over my health and my life’s outcome. I realized I could heal myself and that I was still worthy of a beautiful life, despite feeling the opposite.

I started @brighterrising  and @brighternation to hold myself more accountable for my health and wellness and hopefully to inspire others to find their wellness, self-worth, and healing while encouraging them to shine their own, unique, beautiful light.

And now, having the opportunity to share amazing health and wellness products with you Natural Wellness | Dispensary – Brighter Manner I am in awe of what happens when you start believing in more for yourself.

I want the same thing for you!

I have learned so much on this healing journey, Brighter Rising allows me to share that wisdom and knowledge with you. It makes me overfilled with joy to get to share this journey with you!

It is still hard to think about, that 7 years ago I almost died.

The journey of healing from this has been one of the most difficult things I have ever endured. You see life through a whole new lens as you are recovering and healing.

What I have learned, is sometimes you may not like what you see. Though growing through it all is optional. Healing is how you get yourself back.

We have fought so hard to get to this place. We continue to choose to grow through what we are going through, and it only leads us to better and better things every day. Cause really, the journey never ends.

Life’s lessons are never easy, but always worth it.

You have to take the lesson learned, the love and gratitude felt and rise into what is meant for you.

Here are some of the things we have learned along the way:

> Not everyone you thought would be there will be there. Be there for yourself.

> What really matters, though I still have moments of getting sucked up into shit that doesn't. #stilllearning

> I am so much more than what I can or cannot accomplish.

> Rest does not equal laziness.

> Fear and worry are precious time takers.

> I only have control over my own reactions and emotions.

> Being healthy and feeling healthy are two different things.

> You cannot grow into your true self without honesty, grit and determination.

And so much more.

I look back in the past and see all the ways I hurt, abused or short changed myself. I did not know better.

But today I do, and I forgive me. I hope we can help you forgive you too.

Life gives us the opportunity to learn, heal and grow. The biggest lesson learned is that you cannot ever take your life (or your health) for granted!

We hope to continue to share what we have learned on our journey right here on Brighter Manner – but if you are wanting to focus and get more support on your health and wellness journey, Brighter Rising is the place to be!

Comment below something about your own health or wellness journey you would like us to know!

With peace and love,


Brighter Manner | Brighter Rising 

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